新しいスマートフォンが少し高速になり、バッテリー寿命が少し長くなり、少し軽くなったとしても、誰にも気付かれないでしょう。新しい車の加速性能が少し良くなり、燃費効率が少し良くなり、カーナビの画面が少し大きくなったとしても、ブレイクスルーとは見なされません。小さな改善の努力を積み重ねるのは大変だと思います。しかし、価値は製品をつくるために費やされた努力とコストで決まるのではないのです。 価値とは、顧客にとっての重要な限界を、過去には不可能だった方法を使って、他のどの競合もできなかったレベルで、取り除くことでもたらされるものです。 Vertical Divider
Innovation and Improvement are not synonymous. Improvement is about making things better. Innovation is about removing a limitation in way not possible previously. Continuous improvements can make a difference up to a certain point where the value provided is incremental to none.
If the next smartphone version will be faster, have a longer battery life and weight less all by only a few percent, it will go unnoticed. If the next car model will have increased acceleration, fuel efficiency and bigger infotainment screen all by only a few percent it will not be regarded as a breakthrough. The efforts to achieve incremental improvements on many fronts may be substantial but value is not determined by the efforts and costs that goes into making the product. Exceptional Value is created by removing a significant limitation for the customer, in a way that was not possible before, and to the extent that no significant competitor can deliver. |