ある洗車機メーカーは既に市場シェアが高く、売上は頭打ちになっていました。そこで彼らはもっと性能のよい洗車機を作ることに心血を注ぎました。そうすればガソリンスタンドは新機種に入れ替えてくれるという算段でしたが、期待は裏切られてしまいました。洗車機を使用する顧客が予想より少なく、ガソリンスタンドは既存機種の収益に満足していなかったのです。洗車機を使用する顧客を少なくしている限界が少ないという限界(真の原因)をいかに取り除くか、という課題を解決することでようやく他社を凌ぐことができました。 人は可能なできること、今までやってきたことを実行してしまいがちです。起こすべきところよりも慣れ親しんだ分野ところでイノベーションを起こそうとしてしまうのです。 Vertical Divider
A large producer of medical home devices was focused on developing new products as their current patents expired. Their engineering department had 400 active projects, most of which aimed at making their current devices even better (e.g. more accurate, usable, and gadget-like). When evaluating the projects from the customer’s eyes they realized most of these upgrades will not make much of a difference. Deciding to focus on developments that can provide substantial value, management reduced the number of projects from 400 to 24.
A producer of car wash equipment already achieved high market share and was facing stagnation in sales. All of its efforts were geared towards developing better quality car wash equipment, hoping it will bring gas stations to upgrade their machine to the new one. Acceptance levels did not meet expectations. Gas stations were not so happy with the returns they got on their current machines as relatively few cars actually used it. The company surged ahead only when it figured out how to remove the limitations restricting the number of cars using the machines. In the end, people opt to do what they capable of and are used to. We will try to innovate where we know and not where we should. |