SuperMeatや類似の新興企業は、バイオリアクターで細胞から成長させたタンパク質で作られた培養肉を開発しています。菜食主義者は少数派ではありますが、畜産業界における動物の扱いと、気候変動への影響について多くの関心を持っているとSuperMeatは予測しています。とはいえ、ほとんどの人は肉の味をあきらめたくありません。実験室で育てられた安全な肉が安価になれば、大勢の人の願いへの回答になるかもしれません。昨年(2020年)11月、実験室で育てられた培養肉の料理店が世界で初めてイスラエルにオープンしました。 特定のニーズを満たすために労をいとわない人の尖った行動を見つけ出すのです。そのような「尻尾」をたどれば、犬が隠れているかもしれません。他にも同じニーズを持っている人は多いかもしれませんが、そのニーズを満たすための手間やコスト、リスクが高すぎるのです。それらの限界を取り除けば、犬を得ることができるのです! Vertical Divider
During his vacation, Nick Woodman noticed surfers taking selfies while out on the water. They placed their camera inside a plastic bag and attached it to their hand with a rubber band. Nick imagined that a lot of people would love to take photos while doing extreme sports and share it with friends. If only they had a simpler way to do it. Within a few years, Nick made GoPro the fastest growing business in the digital camera segment.
SuperMeat and similar startups are developing cultured meat made from protein grown from cells in a bioreactor. Although only a fraction of the meat-eating societies is vegetarian, SuperMeat foresees many care about the treatment of animals in the industrial livestock industry, as well as its impact on climate change. However, most people don’t want to give up the taste of meat. Once healthy lab grown meat becomes inexpensive, that may be the answer for the masses. Last November, the world’s first lab-grown meat restaurant opened in Israel. Identify the extreme behaviors of people who go out of their way to satisfy a particular need. Behind any such “tail” may be a hidden dog. Many others may have the same need, but the current hassle/cost/risk involved in satisfying it is too high. Remove their limitation, and you will get the dog! |